Essay:Do we still need heroes?

We all respect someone who we admire or idolize for his or her outstanding qualities, or achievements, heroes. But, do we still need heroes, with the technology that we have and the help that we are currently receiving. Are heroes important to us, and do we still need them? This essay will explore whether we still need heroes in our lives.

Firstly, we all encounter problems that we face and need to solve. Some of these problems we are able to answer on our own, but some of which we may need to rely on others. Some people in our society will face financial problems, due to a financial meltdown. For example, on September 13, 2008, Lehman Brothers collapsed, leaving a huge number of people which bought their shares with problems. Fortunately, some people stepped in and helped them. We all need people like this to help certain individuals. Thus, we will still need heroes to help individuals who are in dire need.

Secondly, we will all need heroes for the greater good. I will focus on disasters in this paragraphs. Recently, we all know what has happened in Japan with the triple disaster, the 9.0 magnitude earthquake, the tsunami as well as the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant incident. There are relieve efforts pouring from all around the world and there are the volunteer helpers trying to clean up the damage that the disaster has brought about. Recently, the evacuation zone around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has been extended to a 30km radius. I could say that the people who put their health at risk by going into the plant to clean up the nuclear waste can be commended as heroes. They know themselves that they will be exposing their body to harmful rays from the reactors but yet they do it as they know that an entire nation is counting on them. There is the same thing as with the people who tried to resolve the nuclear accident in chernobyl. Firefighters were not told what were the reactors and even thought it was no different from a normal fire. Twenty years on, in 2008, Anatoli Zakharov, said: ” Of course we knew! If we’d followed regulations, we would never have gone near the reactor. But it was a moral obligation-our duty. We were like kamikaze ( Japanese fighter pilots who crashed planes to destroy targets). The liquidators who were also involved in the cleaning up were also awarded medals in recognition of their bravery. These people are heroes. They have a strong sense of moral duty and yet they were courages enough to help others in need. In Japan, the workers are helping the victims to pick up the pieces of what they have left. In Chernobyl, the workers are trying to help the people living around the area.

Lastly, I would like to emphasize on the point of heroes motivating people, in different situation. If there were men fighting a war, a hero will motivate and boost his men morale to fight and may even affect if they are able to fight the war. From a emotional point of view, a hero would encourage a person to persevere and in some cases, heros have prevented multiple people from committing suicide as the victim of a emotional attack would feel very bad. Thus, haveing heroes will also add value to life for these people.

Finally, from the above points, we can see whether we still need heroes, and the answer is yes. We still need heroes in our daily lives, to help individuals with problems, as well as for the greater good for everyone and to motivate people who in dire need of help, both physically and emotionally.

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